Accreditation is a quality assurance process that colleges, universities and educational institutions and their programs undergo to confirm that they meet a strict and recognized set of service and operational standards. Obtaining an accredited degree is absolutely essential if you hope to garner the career success you deserve. Accreditation is a process in which outside agencies evaluate a school’s programs to ensure that they meet applicable academic standards. Without accreditation, it is impossible for employers to know whether your diploma or degree is from a legitimate, reputable institution.
SIMI is a reputable, recognized, and globally acclaimed Institute of Higher Education that has successfully obtained accreditation at institutional, school, and program levels. At institutional level, SIMI is fully accredited by ASIC with “Premier Institution” level. All our academic programs are in full compliance with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and National Quality Framework (NQF). This ensures that all SIMI programs and qualifications are fully accredited thereby ensuring that SIMI graduates will have open access to employment and lifelong learning.
Institutional accreditation effectively provides a license to operate. It is usually based on an evaluation of whether the institution meets specified minimum (input) standards such as staff qualifications, research activities, student intake and learning resources. It might also be based on an estimation of the potential for the institution to produce graduates that meet explicit or implicit academic standard or professional competence (The Power of Accreditation: Views of Academics; Professor Lee Harvey, Centre for Research and Evaluation, Sheffield Hallam University, ENQA Workshop Reports, 2004).
Once an organization of higher learning receives official approval, students can be assured that the organization is in full compliance with the commercial quality and integrity standards.
SIMI is as an Institution of Higher Education established and licensed in the Canton of Zug in Switzerland, Legal License No. CHE-258.08.017.
Although the international accreditation at institution level is not the compulsory, but SIMI also got the an internationally renowned quality standard for universities , and is recognised by the UK Home Office, ASIC. SIMI is accredited at the “Premier Institutions” status. The ‘Premier Institution’ predicate is the highest accreditation level from ASIC.
Program or programmatic accreditation, also known as specialized or professional accreditation, is designed for specialized departments, programs, schools, or colleges within a university or institute that has already received accreditation.
SIMI is a pioneer in complying with international higher education standards. We are a reputable, recognized, and globally acclaimed Institute of Higher Education that has successfully obtained accreditation at institutional, school, and program levels. All our academic programs are in full compliance with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and National Quality Framework (NQF). This ensures that all SIMI programs and qualifications are fully accredited thereby ensuring that SIMI graduates will have open access to employment and lifelong learning
SIMI collaborates very closely with several carefully selected partner universities from around the world. SIMI seeks to accredit and mutually recognize degrees from its strategic partner universities. This benefits SIMI students in that they can potentially earn several academic credentials at the same time.
- Earning several international credentials
- Flexibility in choosing where and how to learn
- Recognition of prior learning
- International recognition of learning including the United Kingdom (SIMI programs are fully recognized and endorsed by OTHM and CTH, which are fully accredited by Ofqual), as well as the European Union, Asia, South Africa, and Australia based on mutual recognition through NQF (National Qualification Framework).
- Learners could earn thed Diploma or Degree for each of the academic year. This will help students could have job right after finish the first year with SIMI.
- Assurance that curriculum covers essential skills and knowledge needed for today’s jobs
- Clear delineation of the professional and academic level of candidate/employee
- Practically oriented candidate/employee with exposure to career-based training and assessment
- Industry-ready candidate/employee demonstrating high levels productivity and fit for purpose
The Swiss Information and Management Institute (SIMI Swiss) is a globally recognized and acclaimed private higher education institution, holding independent and private international accreditation at the institutional, school, and program levels.
SIM Institute is licensed by the Zug Canton authority as a private institution. Being a private institution in Switzerland, SIM Institute issues private qualifications. Not being part of Switzerland’s federal and public higher education sector, it operates independently and is not regulated under the Federal Act of 30 September 2011 on the Funding and Coordination of the Higher Education Sector (HEdA), SR 414.11.
Our higher education programs differ from the Swiss National Curricula and programs leading to Swiss Government university qualifications and federally regulated qualifications in Switzerland.
SIMI Swiss is a private, globally accredited higher education institute in Switzerland and is not affiliated with the Swiss public education system or the Swiss government. The qualification issued by SIMI Swiss is a Private qualification, distinct from federal degrees or degrees awarded by public universities in Switzerland.
With the aim of becoming a leading private higher education institute in training based on the Hybrid learning model (a combination of Live Class and local tutoring), SIMI Swiss implements the training model:
- For international students in countries without SIMI Swiss partners or campuses: Students will engage in online learning with Live Class sessions directly led by SIMI Swiss instructors.
- For students in countries with partners or campuses recognized by SIMI Swiss, learners will participate in Live Class sessions with SIMI Swiss instructors, concurrently engaging in local support activities facilitated by the partner.
Please be aware that local partners provide support but do not have the authority to determine alternative study outcomes with SIMI Swiss. The sole discretion to decide on academic results rests with SIMI Swiss and partner universities involved in the assessment and diploma awarding process.